Return Policy

Contemporary European Furniture in the US -


Return Procedure and Policy

Timing: Virtually all the products come to you in disassembled form, and always in the original packaging. Acceptance of goods is carried out in the number of boxes and number of packages. Therefore, please get in touch with us inside 2 business days from conveyance of damaged items.

Inability to do this will effect at renouncement of your claim or credit.

Credit: 100% credit will be connected for wasters; a 25% restocking expense and material cargo charges will be charged for non-deficient returns.

Please pay attention that credit won't be issued for returns harmed amid return shipment because of deficient packaging.


Starting Returns:

Request a Return Authorization Number (RA#) for your arrival by signing into or email at

All return demands for harmed or flawed products must be joined by photographs of the harm or imperfection. Restore the product(s) according to the guidelines. Please know that profits must be received inside 14 days from RA issue date or the Return Authorization will be drop.



Clearly check package and additionally return report with RA#. All items being returned must be in original or proportional packaging.

Absence of appropriate packaging material outcomes in product amid return transit and refusal of credit ask.

Choosing Replacements:

Please tell us if a swap for the returned item is required. Replacements are only issued upon request, and will require a new order to be placed.


Damaged Return Policy

Please send all harmed thing return solicitations to

Record on the conveyance receipt (within the sight of the driver) the kind of harm acquired. In the event that harm is seen after the driver has left, please give the accompanying records to help start the claim procedure:

  • Brief depiction of the damage
  • Picture(s) unmistakably portraying the damage to the item
  • Photo of the packaging (please send picture regardless of whether packaging is in place)

Please don't move the item from its original area, as the transporter needs to play out a claim examination.

It is your duty to record a claim for every damaged product, if shipped using a 3rd party account. Teva Home isn't in charge of any charges caused by you because of 3rd party services used for capacity or conveyance of item. Teva Home will credit, wherever material, all cargo charges required for conveyance/get to original destination address gave.